il woo

Il Woo Cho


Dr. Cho's research interests include free probability, operator algebra and theory, combinatorics, and groupoid dynamical systems.

See Courses Taught

Education and Training

  • PhD, MA, University of Iowa
  • BA, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


类半圆规律与正交投影诱导的半圆规律(2018). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. pp 1-38.

有限Adele环动力系统诱导的Banach *-概率空间上的半圆形和半圆形律(2018). Advances in Operator Theory (AOT). Dedicated to Stefan Banach for 125-th Birthday. Special Issue: Trends in Operators on Banach Spaces.

von Neumann代数上正交投影诱导的作用半圆元(2017). Mathematics. 5(4), 74.

作用于特定Krein空间的算术函数诱导的矩阵(2017). Special Matrices. Vol. 5, Issue 1. pp 258-289.

正交投影诱导的加权半圆运动的自由随机积分(2017). Monograph Chapter for Appl. Math. Anal: Theo., Methods & Appl. Published by Taylor & Francis

Banach *-由某些正交投影诱导的元素生成的代数(2018). (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen). Opuscula Mathematica, 38, no. 4. pp. 501-535.

有限阿黛尔环的阿黛尔分析与泛函分析. Opuscula Mathematica, 38, no. 2, (2018) 139 - 185.

素数上一般线性群与Hecke代数自由积的分析. Contemp. Math. 联合数学谐波分析特别会议论文集卷. Meeting 2017 (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen)

正交投影诱导的圆形和类圆形元素(2017). Applied Math. Sci.

由Hecke代数诱导的C*-代数的自由概率,7月., 2017. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) Discrete & Continous Dynam. Syst. Ser-S.

有限阿黛尔环上某些C*-概率空间诱导的类半圆和半圆定律. Operator Theory: Advances & Applications. Vol. 263, (2018). pp 237 - 280. Published by Springer International Publishing. With Prof. Palle Jorgensen. 

由p进数域导出的类半圆律与半圆律的区别. 2017, 5(5) pp 165-190. Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory. DOI: 10.12691/tjant-5-5-4

由素数p决定的p进加权半圆运动的p进自由随机积分. Libertas Mathematica (New Series). vol 36, no. 2, (2016). pp 65 - 110. (Communicated with Prof. Florin Radulescu).

Cho, I. W., & Jorgensen, P. E. (2017). p进Hecke代数中C*-概率空间的自由积. In Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (pp. 55-99). Birkhäuser, Cham. Special Issues Dedicated to Prof. Daniel Alpay for his 60th Birthday.

p-Adic Number Fields Acting on W*-Probability Spaces. Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 31-56.

素数上p进数域诱导的自由积Banach *-代数中的自由半圆族. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-016-0625-5. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (2017). vol. 11, no. 3. pp 507 - 565.

由p进数域导出的半圆元. Opuscula Mathematica, vol 35. no. 5, (2017). pp 665 - 703. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen).

修正:自由概率在算术函数中的应用,10月. 2016. CAOT (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) DOI: 10.1007/s11785-016-0604-x

p进数域上由广义线性(2 × 2)群决定的W*-动力系统的自由概率:广义Hecke代数. DOI: 10.1007/s40574-016-0111-z. Bollettino dell'Unione Math. Italiana, vol 10, no. 4, (2017). pp725 - 764.

Hecke代数上的自由概率与欧拉函数. Aug., 2016. J. Alg. & Numb. Theo. Acad

有限连通图诱导的不可因子c值函数(2017). Opuscula Mathematica. Vol 37,2. Pp 225-263.

二阶生成器生成的有限表示群的物质表示及其应用. Jul., 2016 Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal

Undergraduate Research with Mr. Ryan Golden. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, vol. 14, issue 3, (2017). pp 45 - 68.

Hecke代数的自由概率表示诱导的C*-半群代数. Jul., 2016. Applied Math. & Comput. Sci

双射单元诱导的Von Neumann代数的结构定理. Jun., 2016. International J. Research & Reviews in Applied Science

Free Products on Hecke Algebras. Jun., 2016. Mathematika

Ilwoo Cho and Palle E. T. Jorgensen (2017). 由素数和图诱导的自由积代数确定的克莱恩空间算子. Spec. Matrices. 5:1-35.

从算术函数和素数看有向图的调和分析,4月. 2016. Birkhauser / Springer图书计划:讲座笔记系列,题目为:谐波分析的新方法及其在数值分析和数据处理中的应用, Volume 2. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)

Hecke代数诱导的群动力系统. Opuscula Mathematica. vol 36, no. 3, (2016). pp 337 - 373.

有限Adele环诱导Hecke代数的自由概率. Sep., 2015. J. Alg. Numb. Theo. Academia

p进数域的自由W*-动力系统与Euler Totient函数. Mathematics. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) DOI: 10.3390/math3041095. vol  3 (2015). pp 1095 - 1138.

算术函数的渐近自由概率及Dirichlet级数的因数分解. Analysis and Mathematical Physics 6.3 (2016): 255-295. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen & Prof. Tim Gillespie).

算术函数、素数和有向图的群作用诱导的矩阵. Special Matrices, 3(1), 123-154. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen). DOI: 10.1515/spma-2015-0012.

Hecke代数和由Hecke代数诱导的C*-群代数的自由概率. Opuscula Mathematica. vol 36, no.2, (2016). pp 153 - 187.

由素数决定的算术函数上的动力系统. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis. Vol 9,1. (2015). Pp 173--215. doi:10.15352/bjma/09-1-15.

图的复值函数及其分解. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-015-0470-y . CAOT, 10, no. 7, (2016). pp 1453 - 1499.

论阿黛尔环诱导的动力系统(2015). GJSFR: Math

关于p进数域诱导的动力系统. Opuscula Mathematica. vol 35, no. 4, (2015). pp 445 - 484.

Free Probability on Hecke Algebras. With Dr. Tim Gillespie. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-014-0403-1. Compl. Anal. Oper. Theo., vol 9, issue 7, (2015). pp 1491 - 1531.

阿黛尔环上的Von Neumann代数和欧拉函数. Operator Theory. November 2014. Pp. 1-47.

Hecke代数的表示和对应算子. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 10(3), 437-477. Doi: 10.1007/s11785-014-0418-7.

自由概率在算术函数中的应用(2015). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 9(7), 1457-1489.(With Prof. Palle Jorgensen). DOI: 10.1007/s 11785-014-0378-y

由素数决定的算术函数的克莱因空间表示. Algebras and Representation Theory, 17(6), 1809-1841. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) DOI: 10.1007/s 10468-014-9473-z

Complex-Valued Functions Induced by Graphs. Feb., 2014 CAOT. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-014-0368-0

算术函数在矩阵上的作用及其表示. Annals of Functional Analysis, 5(2), 90-117. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen)

调和分析与算子理论中的算术函数(2014). Operator Theory, 1-36. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen)

p-Adic banach -空间算子和Adelic banach -空间算子(2014). Opuscula Mathematica, 34.

算术函数及相应自由矩l函数的分类(2013). Bulletin of Korean Math. Soc.

Dirichlet字符诱导的krein空间算子. 当代数学:交换和非交换谐波分析及其应用,pp  3-33. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen)当代数学特刊,美国数学学会.

由素数间隙决定的算术函数及其生成函数的自由分布数据(2014). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 8(2), 537-570.DOI: 10.1007/s11785-013-0311-9

Operators Induced by Prime Numbers (2012). Methods and Applications of Analysis, 19(4), 313-340.

由单个算子生成的C*-代数的k群. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 8(7), 1405-1434. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-013-0285-7

图群C*-代数的索引半群和k -群(2014). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 8(1), 57-109. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-012-0271-5

Operator Algebras Induced by Monads. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) July 2012, JAMC.

K-Theory Induced by a Single Partial Isometry. June 2012, Opuscula Math.

C*-Algebraic K-Theory Induced by Graphs. Mar. 2012, American J. Math. Math. Sci.

Operators Induced by Graphs (2012). Letters in Mathematical Physics. 102(3), 323-369.DOI: 10.1007/s11005-012-0575-4  (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen)

Index Semigroup and Indexing on von Neumann Algebras. Nov. 2011, CAOT, DOI: 10.1007/s11785-011-0208-4

图的算子-代数商结构II (2013). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 7(4), 695-738. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-011-0204-8

阻力网络中的代数及其表示. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) Jul., 2011, Funct. Anal. & Other Math.

Symmetry in Tensor Algebras Over Hilbert Space. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen) Jun., 2011, Illinois Journal of Math.

电阻网络中电流感应算子代数的自由概率(2012). Int. J. Funct. Anal. Oper. Theory Appl, 4(1), 1-50., (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen).

Histories Distorted by Partial Isometries. DOI:10.4303/jpm/P110301. J. Phy. Math., vol 3, (2011).

图的熵与分形图的信息论表征. May, 2011. Adv. Appl. Math. Sci.

有限树上的索引-态射及有限树诱导的von Neumann代数的分类. Apr. 2011年邀请论文(章节)在一本书:“量子力学”,InTech开放获取出版社

能量希尔伯特空间上电阻网络诱导的自由概率. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen). Opuscula Math, 31, no. 4, (2011) 549 - 598.

Index on von Neumann Algebras Induced by Graphs. Jan. 2011 Appl. Math. Sci.

Graph-Matrices and Matricial Graph C*-Algebras. Dec., 2010 B. of KMS

图上的测度分帧及相应的von Neumann代数. Nov., 2010 AM

Fractals in Von Neumann Algebras. Aug., 2010 AM

Moment Computations of Graphs with Fractal Property. (With Prof. Palle Jorgensen). DOI: 10.1007/s12190-010-0440-5. J. Appl. Math. Comput., 37, (2011) 377 - 406)

Hilbert空间中的帧、分形和径向算子. J. Math. Sci.: Adv. Appl., vol. 5, no. 2, (2010) 333 - 393)

图分形:具有分形性质的图群拟的分类与应用. Jul., 2010,专著:分形的分类与应用

Towers of von Neumann Algebras Induced by Graphs. Jul., 2010, Oriental J. Math.

有向图,冯·诺伊曼代数,和索引,(与教授. Palle Jorgensen). ART DOI: 10.1007/s10468-010-9233-7. Alg. Rep. Theo, Vol 15, issue 1, (2012) 53 - 108.

Diagram Groupoids and von Neumann Algebras. DOI: 10.1007/s11785-010-0103-4. Compl. Anal. Oper. Theo, 6, (2012) 843 - 895.

群框架和相应的von Neumann代数. Adv. Appl. Math Sci., 2, vol. 5, (2010) 111 - 164.

Free Graph Stochastic Processes, Sep., 2009, JAMI

部分等距诱导的C*-动力系统,(与教授. Palle Jorgensen) June, 2009, AAMS (Adv. & Appl. Math Sci., 1 vol. 2, (2010) 21 - 59)

部分等距诱导的B(H)的分形性质,2004., 2009, CAOT, DOI:10.1007/s11785-009-0035-z (Compl. Anal. Oper. Theo. 5, no. 1, (2011) 1 - 40)

自动机与图的应用:希尔伯特空间中的标记算子II,(与教授合作). Palle Jorgensen) Mar., 2009, JMP DOI:10.1063/1.3141524

Graph-Matrices over Additive Graph Groupoids, Jan., 2009, JAMC

B(H)中单算子生成的C*-子代数. Palle Jorgensen) Dec., 2008, ACTA. Appl. Math: Special Issues DOI:10.1007/s10440-009-9478-5 (ACTA Appl. Math, 108, (2009) 625 - 664)

图群和相应的表示,12月., 2008, NOVA Publisher (Invited Paper) Group Theory: Classes, Representations and Connections, and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-60876-175-3

Von Neumann Algebras Generated by Automata, Dec. 2008, NOVA Publisher (Invited Paper) Graphene: Research, Technology and Applications ISBN: 978-1-60692-666-6

自动机与图的应用:希尔伯特空间中的标记算子I,(与教授合作). Palle Jorgensen) Oct., 2008, ACTA Appl. Math: Special Issues DOI: 10.1063/1.3141524

图von Neumann代数上的标量值自由概率,2007年10月., 2008, J. of KMS. DOI: 10.4134/JKMS.2010.47.3.601, (J. Korean Math. Soc., 47, no 3, (2010) 601 - 631)

冯诺依曼代数中的顶点压缩代数,8月., 2008, ACTA Appl. Math, DOI: 10.1007/s10440-008-9314-3 (ACTA Appl. Math., 108, no. 2, 315 - 351)

部分等距生成的C*-子代数. Palle Jorgensen) Aug., 2008, JMP, DOI: 10.1063/1.3056588

有向图的算子代数商结构,3., 2008, CAOT, DOI: 10.1007/s11785-008-0065-y

Group Freeness and Certain Amalgamated Freeness, Nov., 2007, JKMS (J. of KMS, 45, no. 3, (2008) 597 - 609)

部分等距生成的C*-代数,(与教授. Palle Jorgensen) Sep., 2007, JAMC, (JAMC, 26, (2008) 1 - 48)

论图测度与若干群测度,8月., 2007, CAOT (Compl. Anal. Oper. Theory, 2, (2008) 1 - 28)

图von Neumann代数的合并自由块的表征,2003., 2007, CAOT (Compl. Anal. Oper. Theory, 1, (2007) 367-398)

自由群因子L(F_N)中径向算子的扰动算子矩, Feb. 2007, JAA (J. of analysis & Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, (2007) 137 - 165)

直接产生的W*-概率空间及相应的合并自由随机积分, Feb. 2007, Bulletin of Korean Math. Soc. (Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 44 (2007), No. 1, 131 - 150)

严格自由加性稳定随机变量,11月., 2006, FEJMS.

Graph Von Neumann Algebras, Nov., 2006, ACTA Applied Math. (ACTA Appl Math, (2007) 95 95 - 134)

More About Dr. Cho

Courses Taught
  • College Algebra
  • Calculus: pre, I, II, and III
  • Elementary Functions
  • Business Math
  • Trigonometry
Conferences and Seminars

Chapman Univ. Conference, 2017 Signal Processing & Linear Systems, Nov. 2017

首尔国立大学,韩国算子理论年会(KOTAK), 2016年7月

Univ. of Iowa, Prof. Yangbo Ye's Number Theory Seminar, Oct. 2014
Title : Graph-Zeta Functions and Applications

2013年“算子理论及其应用”研讨会,首尔. Univ., June 2013

Seoul National University, PARC Seminar, June 2013

FIC, CASA with Chief Inspector) June & July, 2011

Title : Distortion on Histories

Title : Index Semigroup and their Actions

Univ. of South Dakota, Dep. of Math.) Mar., 2010 : 1-hour talk
Title : Distorted Histories

Title : Space Modulation Factors and Wave Patterns

Seoul National Univ., June 2009 : 2-hour talk

Assumption High School, Davenport, Iowa, Mar. 2009
Title: Math? Why? How? What?

Fractal Measure Workshop, Univ. of Iowa, Hosted by Prof. P. Jorgensen), Feb. 2009

Seoul National Univ.) Jul., 2008 : 2-hour talk
Title : Directed Graphs and Hilbert Space Operators

Groupoid Fest, University of Iowa) Nov 2007 : talk

GPOTS 2007 May, 2007 : Small-Talk
题目:图群类群和相应的Von Neumann代数

Seoul Nt. Univ., Prof. W. Y. Lee's Operator Theory Seminar, July 2006
题目:有限有向图诱导的Von Neumann代数

SIDIM, Univ. of Turabo, Puerto Rico, Feb 2006 : Small-Talk

St. Ambrose University, Feb 2005 : Small-Talk

MAA and AMS Annual Joint Meeting, Jan 2005

East Coast Operator Algebra Symposium, Oct 2004

Seoul National University, July 2004 : 1-hr talk


GPOTS 2004(大平原算子理论研讨会),2004年5月:Small-Talk
Title : Graph W*-Probability Theory

题目:(L(F_2)) *_L(F_1) (L(F_2))的生成算子矩




Monographs and Books

算术函数表示与自由概率(2015). Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10: 3659385697

专著:有限树诱导的索引半群,(2011)出版社. ISBN: 978-3-8465-9015-7.

图书:图群的代数及其应用,(2011). Science Publisher, and CRC Press / Taylor & Fransis Group

专著:图的指数理论,(2011)ISNB: 978-3-639-33271-1. VDM Publisher

书(多作者):图分形:分类 & 具有分形性质的图群拟的应用,(2010). 第1章:分形分类与应用手册. 上述图书的特邀文章(一章)ISBN: 978-1-61324-198-1.

专著:图、群类群和算子代数上的运算,(2010). ISBN: 978-8383-5271-8 LAPublisher

专著:图的框架和相应的von Neumann代数,(2010). ISBN: 978-3-639-24020-7 VDM Publisher.

专著:算子代数上的自由微积分,(2009)ISBN: 978-3-8383-2519-4出版社.

Monograph : Distorted Histories, (2009). ISBN : 978-3-639-21083-5 VDM Publisher.

专著:图群拟和部分等距,(2009). ISBN: 978-3-8383-1397-9 LAPublisher

专著:图上的分形,(2009)ISBN: 978-3-639-19447-0 VDM出版社.


Il Woo Cho

Ambrose Hall 421
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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