

The following information on this page contains documents and websites with data on student outcomes. 如果您想了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 大学评估协调员.



保持率 2018年秋季 2019年秋季 2020年秋季 2021年秋季 2022年秋季 2023年秋季
第一年,第一次(全部) 80% 76% 82% 75% 79% 83%
一年级,第一次(运动员) 80% 78% 79% 77% 80% 85%
非第一年,首次(转学) 81% 74% 82% 84% 84% 80%


毕业率 2018届毕业生 2019届毕业生 2020届毕业生 2021届毕业生 2022届毕业生 2023届毕业生
第一年,第一次(全部) 67% 64% 64% 64% 58% 62%
一年级,第一次(运动员) 67% 60% 64% 66% 64% 64%


UG职业成果 2018届毕业生 2019届毕业生 2020届毕业生 2021届毕业生 2022届毕业生 2023届毕业生
使用 69% 75% 66% 56% 70% 67%
继续教育 23% 16% 14% 27% 25% 28%
职业成果 90% 91% 80% 83% 96% 95%
班级知识知晓率 90% 90% 62% 68% 70% 67%

The knowledge rate for the class represents the percent of graduates for whom the institution has reliable and verifiable information regarding graduates' post-graduation statuses.


The Catholic Identity Mission 评估 (CIMA) project offers Catholic higher education institutions tools to assist in the multifaceted process of discerning how and to what extent they are fulfilling their 任务s. St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 uses the CIMA instruments to provide an understanding of the unique articulation of its Catholic identity, 任务, 和charism. The student surveys gauge levels of student engagement in and understanding of common themes in Catholic higher education. 虽然它将提供比较数据, it is not designed to measure conformity to any single definition of Catholic higher education. Next Administration: TBA as results from the 20-21 administration are still being analyzed for dissemination.

  • 新学生. This survey helps establish a baseline from those at the beginning of their college career and addresses both traditional age undergraduates and adult learners.
  • 毕业的学生. 这项调查衡量的是学生进入大学以来的变化, 适用于传统年龄的学生和成人学习者.


符合多元化和诚信的核心价值, SAU uses the EAB 校园气候调查 to understand students' perceptions and experiences, 确定优势和需要改进的地方, 并衡量每年的进展. Results are benchmarked to understand how campus climate is experienced compared to peers. 下届政府:2023年春季



以St为基准. Ambrose student achievement with relation to the fundamental skills and knowledge claimed by the 通识教育 program outcomes, 增高结果评估套件用于抽样学生的表现. 到目前为止, 书面交流, 批判性思维, 进行了跨文化能力和多样性评估. 下届政府:2023年春季.


毕业前, traditional students are surveyed regarding their abilities and competencies aligned with the general education program and its outcomes. Students are asked to reflect upon the extent to which experiences within the general education curriculum contributed toward their overall growth. 每学期管理.


The NSSE annually collects information at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development through The College Student Report.

The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college. St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 uses its data to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom that can be improved through changes in policies and 实践 more consistent with good 实践 in undergraduate education. 这些信息也被未来的大学生使用, 他们的父母, 大学辅导员, 学术顾问, 机构研究人员, and researchers to learn more about how students spend their time and what they gain from their experiences. 下届政府:2024年春季



The Outcomes Survey is an online tool for gathering employment and graduate school ad任务s data from new college graduates based upon prevailing national demands and standards. St的毕业生. 可以买滚球的正规平台 are surveyed at near graduation, as well as three and six months after. 除了获得工作或进入研究生院, students provide critical insight into their engagement in career exploration and job search activities, 体验式教育在确保他们的第一份目的地职业中的作用, 对第一份目标职业的满意度, 以及追求大学学位和职业的动力. In 2021, TOS导航到一个新的平台, 因此,一些摘要报告措施发生了变化或仍在开发中. 以下是2015-2020年的报告,按专业分列. 截至2021年,该报告按获得的学位进行了细分. 每学期管理.

Student Satisfaction Inventory and Adult Student Satisfaction – Priorities Survey (ASPS)

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 partners with Noel Levitz to administer both the Student Satisfaction Inventory™ for traditional undergraduate students and the Adult Student Satisfaction-Priorities Survey™ to assess adult students in both adult and graduate education programs. SAU使用这些信息来确定对学生来说什么是重要的, 以及他们对节目的满意度. 这项调查涵盖了学生的全部经历. 下届政府:2025年春季.

课程结束调查-学生教学报告(SIR II)

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台的学生被要求在线完成一份, 每学期所修课程的期末调查. Results are provided to instructors to enhance the educational experience for students. In addition, department-level results are formally reviewed through the program review process. College and Institutional-level results are used to support strategic initiatives on a variety of levels. 每学期管理.


以支持教育使命, the co-curricular experienced of the division of Student Services seeks to enrich the holistic development of students by fostering personal growth, 社会责任, 还有一种正规买球平台有哪些意识. 《可以买滚球的正规平台》突出了这些对联合国的贡献. 可以买滚球的正规平台教育经验,通过正规买球平台有哪些参与和体验式学习. The multiple offices within Student Services collaborated with every aspect of the University, 参与学生在课堂内外的学习. 下届政府:2023年



Central to SAU's core value of Catholicity is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition whereby Ambrosians critically engage with ideas, 实践, 以及通过信仰与理性的对话而形成的思维方式. 正义和服务的行为符合这一传统, 尤其是当它涉及到美国和世界的民主时. Ambrosians are guided by the US Catholic Bishops that responsible citizenship is a virtue, 参与政治生活是一种道德义务. Bishops carefully note in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility, 他们"... 不打算告诉天主教徒投票给谁或反对谁. Our purpose is to help Catholics form their consciences in accordance with God's truth. We recognize that the responsibility to make choices in political life rests with each individual in the light of a properly formed conscience, 这种参与远远超出了在特定选举中投票的范围”(2019年), p. 13). 因此,学生参与选举是有价值的. Participation in the NSLVE allows SAU to assess student engagement in the democratic process though knowledge of students' aggregate voter registration and turnout rates in national elections.



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